We Believe in Quality Services!

We offer wide array of Business and IT solutions to both national and international clients. Our hands on experience and understanding of the latest business and industry practices, has helped us to extend our services in the following areas:

  • New Business setup
  • Corporate strategy
  • Organizational Structure and design
  • Performance appraisal systems
  • Comprehensive Marketing Plans
  • IT Support and Mainrenance Services
  • Web Development Services
Business Setup:

Setting up your own business can be an exciting time. Before you start, save yourself time and money by being aware of what's involved in running a business.Investing time into proper planning is key to turning your dreams into reality. Operating a small business is not just about working for yourself or working from home, it's also about having the necessary management skills, industry expertise, technical skills, finance and of course a long-term vision to grow and succeed.
Contact Us and our business experts will take you through each step of starting a business and help you understand what's ahead.

Corporate Strategy:

Our role is to provide companies with advice on their goals and future direction so that they can plan effective strategies for growth. We have a team of experienced business consultants who use expertise, industry experience and analysis to help our clients identify strategies that will increase revenue and market share by improving competitive advantage. We can help your company to grow faster and increase the value of your business.
We use rigorous, fact-based analyses to help companies create actionable strategic plans that focus on value creation.
We always take an end-to-end perspective toward value creation, integrating our world-class capabilities in business strategy, corporate finance, transactions and organization. We customize our approach based on an understanding of your business and situation.
Get in touch with us for more details.

Organizational Structure and Design:

Organizational structure provides guidance to all employees by laying out the official reporting relationships that govern the workflow of the company. A formal outline of a company's structure makes it easier to add new positions in the company, as well, providing a flexible and ready means for growth. Organizational structure provides guidance to all employees by laying out the official reporting relationships that govern the workflow of the company. A formal outline of a company's structure makes it easier to add new positions in the company, as well, providing a flexible and ready means for growth. Organizational structure is important for any growing company to provide guidance and clarity on specific human resource issues, such as managerial authority. Small-business owners should begin thinking about a formal structure early in the growth stage of their business.
More details and advise can be sought by our expert business consultants here.

Performance Appraisal System:

In sophisticated, well-managed organizations, performance appraisal is the single-most powerful instrument that management has to mobilize the energy of every employee toward the achievement of strategic goals. Used poorly, performance appraisal becomes a dreaded annual exercise that is widely seen as a waste of time. But used well, the procedure focuses every employee’s attention on the mission, strategy, vision, and values of the organization.
We’re not focused on “best practices.” We’re focused on right practices––the tools, procedures, techniques, and training that are specifically right for the needs of your company.

We help organizations create and implement performance appraisal systems that transform the way they guide, direct, assess and develop human performance. Our Performance Appraisal Services include:

  • Executive Overview
  • System Design and Development
  • Making Performance Appraisal Work Management Seminar
Contact us for more information and to find out how we can help solve your specific performance appraisal challenges.
Comprehensive Marketing Plan:

SC helps companies develop and capitalize on market opportunities. Our value is individualized, objective, and actionable results that help you focus on the success factors.
Marketing Planning sets the actions and inputs strategically identified in advance, your profits and results WILL be achieved IF & ONLY IF the planning is right. Formal marketing planning empowers management, inspires staff, evokes enthusiasm from investors, and confidence from business partners.
Strategic marketing planning incorporates the multiple disciplines necessary for Marketing: Product Management, Pricing Strategy, Supply Chain & Demand Chain (Distribution), Processes, Alignment & Engagement of People, Positioning and (of course) Marketing Communications (Sales, Promotion & Advertising).

Truly comprehensive strategic marketing planning starts with an accurate assessment of the current position of the organisation.
Remember, "Procrastination is the thief of time" and the sooner you act, the sooner you'll enjoy the benefits. So contact us here.

IT Support and Maintenance Services:

SC has a long history of providing support and maintenance services across government and corporate customers. Our software and technical support teams have a treasure of experience with applications and technical knowledge surrounding the IT environment upon which applications can be installed. SC also developed a close working relationship between our internal departments such as professional services, quality assurance and development teams which enables us creating a knowledge-database and creates a truly collaborative approach to servicing the needs of our clients.
You really need to Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Web Development Services:

Businesses without a website lack credibility. It is the first point of contact prospects explore your suitability to service them. It needs to clearly define your offering, how you differentiate yourself from competitors, it needs to be found in search, and present you professionally.
As a business owner, we also understand that you do not have to be tech savvy to know what you want. We only ask you to define your business level requirements and we handle the how-to through our technology.

So contact us today to discuss your requirements.